CryberIT E-shop solutions
We help your business grow by creating a functional and user-friendly solution while keeping costs under control
Increase customer base and turnover
The e-shop is secured by CryberIT with basic security requirements. In addition, we reserve and store the e-shop for free
CryberIT makes e-shop search engines easily detectable and visible. That you should not worry that your company will not be noticed.
Mobile friendly
The e-shop is compatible with smart devices and is easy and convenient for the user.
Why order e-shop from CryberIT?
Effective design
Mobile friendly
Found in Google
We train
Ready quickly
E-poe arendusprotsess

1. E-poe analüüsimine
Selgitame välja, mis on E-poe eesmärk, kavatsus, tulemus, siht, ülesanne, otstarve, sihtgrupp.

2. Planning
Loome koostöös kliendiga e-poe struktuuri, saidiplaani ja selgitame välja milliseid tehnoloogiaid kasutame.

3. Design
Kasutatavus, kasutajamugavus, kasutajaliides, e-poe paigutus, visuaalne stiil

4. Contents
Copywriting, photos and videos, optimisation for search engine.

5. Development process
Database creation, scaling web design, e-mail marketing, programming, web design(UI, UX).

6. Introduction
Browser compatibility, technical testing.

7. Testing
Introduction, error corrections, launch, monitoring.
Interesting facts about what you should know
The study found that the negative feedback on the website was related to the design.
Small business websites do not have a call for action on their website (CTA)
the 10 customer would stop dealing with such content that is not very good in their device.